Sunday, 20 May 2012


So, a few things have happened since the last post. The tee I was working on is still coming, however, since i'm fickle, I actually moved onto another set that I had an idea for, so i've been working away on that for the last few days when I haven't been at work. However, i've hit a bit of a problem.

Trouble is, when i'm making the t-shirt i'm working in RGB. As soon as I upload an image to Redbubble, it converts it to CMYK (since the t-shirts are printed in CMYK, so presumably they do this so people looking to buy stuff from the site can get a good idea of what the finished product will look like). Trouble with CMYK is that it's a far smaller colour space than RGB, which basically means that there are less colours that Redbubble can use on its t-shirts than I can have on screen, so when I end up uploading a design, it inevitably loses some of the saturation and vibrancy; you can't really get luminous colours.

The trouble this is presenting with the set that i've been working on is that the pictures have a lot of skin colour in them, and the conversion to CMYK is making the skin looked really dull and washed out to the point of being almost grey. I spent a good few hours yesterday tinkering with colour balances, saturations, brightnesses and curves to try and reduce the affect as much as possible, but unfortunately I can't quite get a finished t-shirt that has colours that i'm particularly happy with, so i'm at a bit of a loss as for what to do next. Stickers, posters and Iphone cases are all displayed in RGB, so they're shown in their full glory, but I really wanted this set as t-shirts (since I actually was going to buy some for myself), but i'm not so sure about doing them as t-shirts anymore. I mean if i'm not happy with the product myself, I shouldn't really put it up for sale when I know it could be better.

I'll continue working on it and see if I can come to some kind of compromise. I really hope that I can, since I'm really eager to get this set finished and uploaded (i'm really excited about it), but I may be forced to just have them as stickers and iphone cases at the end of it sadly. I'd rather it didn't come to that, but it's looking more and more likely at the moment.



I have succeeded in getting around the pesky CMYK issue. I will now be promptly cracking on with this set and should have it ready within a matter of days.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

New tee incoming

Nyaaaah, I've been working on a new t-shirt see. It will be done by the weekend; only reason it's taken this long so far is because I've had to make letters in order to do it. There wasn't a font for the design I'm making, so I've had to improvise and try and make it myself more or less from scratch.

Also, the Illustrator piece that I'm working on is coming along, albeit slowly. I'm learning stuff about Illustrator along the way though, even if the process is a little frustrating. Not being able to do something simple that I could easily do on Photoshop and spending 15 minutes trying to figure it out is a pain, but it's all part of the learning curve I suppose.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Kamina Squirtle - Shining Drill version

Took a little longer than I planned (had to tweak a few things to get it right) but I uploaded a new alternative Kamina Squirtle design just now.


Sticker and a larger version of the IP case (the same scale as the Kamina Squirtle (Large) IP Case)  is coming later on.

Belated update

I've been meaning to do this for a while, been putting it off a bit though. Not because of laziness for once, but because i've actually been busy.

I bought a graphics tablet, a Bamboo Pen, and i've been messing around with it a bit, seeing what I can do and how it works. I got it primarily because I keep having ideas for more illustrative designs (kind of like my Kamina Squirtle tee) but I find the mouse to be a little limiting. It's my first graphics tablet, so I didn't want anything to advanced, but hopefully once I get more acquainted with the workings of the Bamboo, i'll be able to start producing more illustrative pieces with greater ease and greater variety.

Speaking of the Kamina Squirtle Tee, i'm going to be uploading an alternative design for it today. I always said that if it proved successful enough then i'd upload an alternate design of it, and since it's been pretty popular i'm finally going to get round to uploading it within the next hour.

While i'm getting the hang of the graphics tablet, i'm also working on a new design. I won't say what it is, but i will say that it's a longer term work and won't be finished anytime soon, partly because of the nature of the design, but primarily because it was a golden opportunity for me to have a proper crack at using illustrator rather than photoshop. I've made a start on it, but there's a lot to do and i'm intentionally working outside of my comfort zone so that I can learn more in the process. I'll be posting updates on it as tome goes on. All i'll say for now is that it's most similar to my Metal Gears design.

One last note, while that illustrator piece is in the works, I've come up with a new design. I haven't started on it yet, I just have the idea in my head. I may try it in illustrator as well, as a lot of what i'll have to draw for it will be relatively simple shapes. I should really be using illustrator a lot more than I am, so I guess I should just go for it.